Air Quality Consultants completed air quality dispersion modelling of traffic emissions and generator emissions to assess the impacts of the proposed office redevelopment in the City of London. An air quality Environmental Statement chapter and technical appendix were produced to support the planning application.
The air quality modelling completed by Air Quality Consultants included emissions from the maintenance and testing regime of two emergency diesel generators. In the event of a power failure the proposed development would use power from an existing substation. However, should the use of backup substations also fail the two emergency generators would be used. The results from the modelling showed that with further abatement (as advised by Air Quality Consultants) the emissions would not lead to any adverse impacts.
The construction of the proposed development would result in the rerouting of traffic. The air quality impacts of the construction traffic routing on existing residential uses were quantified through detailed dispersion modelling.
The Proposed Development aimed to be highly sustainable; Air Quality Consultants worked with the design team as part of the Air Quality Positive Approach to ensure air quality was considered in the design. This included widen pavements on Cutler Street (West) with raised buffer planting; electric cycle charging facilities; terraced planting and living walls on the façade of the development; and ancillary services such as a cycle repair station.
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East Herts Council
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