Air Quality Consultants led the air quality input in the feasibility study for the Bath CAZ, which identified the need for a charging CAZ. Modelling was undertaken to predict what level of CAZ would result in compliance with the Limit Values, and this work has underpinned the final scheme.
CAZs are designed to bring fleet improvements forward within a framework provided by central Government, in order to achieve compliance with the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) Limit Value.
Air Quality Consultants led the air quality input in the feasibility study for the Bath CAZ, which identified the need for a charging CAZ. Modelling was undertaken to predict what level of CAZ would result in compliance with the Limit Values, and this work has underpinned the final scheme. The project involved assessing scenarios and liaising with JAQU in relation to both the Outline and Full Business Case. The project required wide liaison across the team, specifically with the transport modelling team and economists, and input to meetings with elected members. The presentation of results required a deep knowledge of the dispersion model sensitivities, undertaking numerous sensitive tests, and the explanation of levels of uncertainties both within reports and at meetings. The outputs of the model were also used for the cost benefit analysis, which was an integral part of the business case.
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Responded very quickly and effectively to a short-notice package of work and provided detailed, comprehensive report addressing issue raised, with clear conclusions.
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