Air Quality Consultants and Noise Consultants carried out air quality and noise modelling of the impacts of a Quieter Neighbourhoods scheme in Enfield.
Air Quality Consultants Ltd and Noise Consultants Ltd were commissioned by Enfield Council to undertake an assessment of the air quality and noise impacts of the Bowes Quieter Neighbourhood Scheme, in Enfield. The scheme consists of a number of road closures to reduce through traffic in residential areas. As the scheme had already been implemented, ‘before’ and ‘after’ traffic data was used as input for the air quality model.
Implementation of the Quieter Neighbourhood Scheme is predicted to have led to slight decreases and increases in both air quality concentrations and noise levels, in correlation with the changes in traffic observed with the scheme in operation.
The results of the assessment were presented by Dr Clare Beattie (air quality) and James Trow (noise) to a widespread audience of officers across the Council. The report was used to provide evidence to assist with the decision-making process of whether to retain the scheme as a permanent intervention.
In addition, outcomes of the study are being written up into a public friendly leaflet in order to provide a non-technical interpretation of the outcomes of the study with a view to increasing acceptability of the scheme.
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