Air Quality Consultants carried out the air quality assessment in support of the City Aviation Development Programme (CADP) which will provide seven new aircraft parking stands, an extended terminal building, a new eastern passenger pier and associated works on a platform over the King George V Dock.
An air quality chapter was provided for the Environmental Statement, which included the development of a detailed emissions inventory and subsequent dispersion modeling based on ADMS-Airport. Following a direction by the Mayor of London to refuse planning permission, an appeal and public inquiry was held in March/April 2016 to which Air Quality Consultants provided expert evidence. Planning permission was granted by the Secretaries of State for Communities and Local Government and Transport in July 2016.
Air Quality Consultants subsequently provided input to assist in the discharge of pre-commencement conditions, including the drafting of an Air Quality Monitoring Strategy and an Air Quality Management Strategy.
In 2023, a Section 73 application was submitted by the Airport with regard to a proposed change in planning conditions, principally to allow up to 9 million passengers per annum, and to allow flights to take place on Saturday afternoon. Air Quality Consultants carried out the assessment for the EIA to support the S73 application. The London Borough of Newham did not raise any objections to the application on air quality grounds at the planning committee.
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I have found the staff at AQC to be very friendly and helpful when carrying out assessments on our behalf.
East Herts Council
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