The SPD provides detail on when air quality and noise assessments are required, what is expected to be included, and ultimately what measures may be required to ensure that a development is acceptable from an air quality or noise point of view.
Supplementary Planning Documents are statutory documents, which add further detail to the policies in the Local Plan. In this case, the SPD provides guidance for developers on what is expected in relation to planning applications for developments which may have air quality and/or noise impacts.
The SPD, which is currently under consultation, will be a statutory part of the Local Plan (and hence material in the determination of planning applications). The document provides detail on when air quality and noise assessments are required, what is expected to be included, and ultimately what measures may be required to ensure that a development is acceptable from an air quality or noise point of view. An important aspect of developing the guidance is involving officers with policy and development management responsibilities, and in addition to this, stakeholder workshops with both elected members and the public have been held. The outcomes of this initial consultation have fed into the document which is currently being consulted on.
The SPD will introduce the ‘Agent of Change’ principle to ensure that any mitigation required to make sure land is suitable for the proposed use is the responsibility of the developer. In addition, the document provides advice upon the adoption of suitable “observed effect levels” by reference to national policy.
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