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PM2.5 Policy Advice for Australia


Air Quality Consultants, in partnership with PAEHolmes (a leading Australian environmental consultancy), has been awarded a contract by the New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage to evaluate options for an exposure-reduction framework for the control of air quality in Australia.

Professor Martin Williams from King’s College, London (former head of Atmospheric Environment and Industrial Pollution for Defra), will also input to the project. 

The principal objective of the study is to determine the preferred approach for an exposure-reduction framework for PM2.5 in Australia, and to then identify what steps would need to be taken to set exposure-reduction targets.  The study will address the timescales and costs of implementing such a framework.

The project will draw heavily on Air Quality Consultants’ previous experience of completing research projects for Defra on exposure-reduction options for Europe and the UK.  This earlier work was used to inform the development of PM2.5 exposure-reduction targets and objectives in the EU’s Ambient Air Quality Directive and the UK’s Air Quality Strategy.  Previous AQC reports available here.

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