Air Quality Consultants Ltd has been awarded a contract by the London Borough of Hillingdon to identify and evaluate measures to reduce nitrogen dioxide concentrations at specified hotspots in the Borough, and within the wider area surrounding Heathrow Airport.
The project, which has secured grant funding from Defra, is being led by LB Hillingdon on behalf of the Heathrow Area Local Authorities (LB Hounslow, Slough BC and Spelthorne BC).
Stephen Moorcroft at Air Quality Consultants Ltd is heading up a consortium of experts, including Guy Hitchcock (Sustainable Transport Solutions), Chris Dore (Aether), and Lucy Sadler (Sadler Consultants Ltd). The team will develop an emissions model, quantify co-benefits of both improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions, evaluate the performance of low-emissions technologies (e.g. hybrids) and the role they may play, and develop implementation strategies.
The project is being delivered in series of phases, leading to a detailed evaluation of the recommended package of measures, and is expected to report in early 2013.
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