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Air Quality Neutral in London


The Mayor of London has published Supplementary Planning Guidance on Sustainable Design and Construction.  This includes a requirement that new developments in London are air quality neutral.

 All major new developments, taken to be 10 or more dwellings or 1,000 sq metres or more floor space for all other developments, will have to calculate the building and transport emissions and compare these with a benchmark for development.  The calculations cover the emissions of nitrogen oxides and PM10.  The guidance also sets emission limits for boilers and centralised energy plant.

Air Quality Consultants Ltd is well positioned to apply this guidance, as the company developed the air quality neutral approach, under a contract from the Greater London Authority.  The report produced for the GLA sets out the basis for the interpretation of the “air quality neutral” policy and can be accessed here.

The London Boroughs are already asking for an air quality neutral assessment to be carried out for new developments and Air Quality Consultants Ltd is now applying this assessment to all jobs it is undertaking in London.  The air quality neutral calculations will require additional information to be provided by developers and their consultants, principally on the annual energy use (not electricity) and trip generation (cars only).

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