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Construction Dust Assessments Required in London


The Mayor of London has published Supplementary Planning Guidance on the Control of Dust and Emissions During Construction and Demolition 

This includes a requirement for a dust risk assessment of all major new developments; major being 10 or more dwellings or 1,000 sq metres, or more floor space for all other developments.  The dust risk assessment will determine the package of mitigation measures to accompany the application.  Ultimately the mitigation measures will need to be incorporated into an Air Quality and Dust Management Plan, to be submitted prior to works starting.  This will be ensured by way of a condition or through a s106 agreement.

The guidance is based on that issued earlier in 2014 by the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM).  Air Quality Consultants Ltd  was closely involved in the development of the IAQM guidance (further details here), so the Company is in a good position to carry out the necessary dust risk assessments.  Indeed it is already incorporating this in the many London assessments it carries out.  The Company also has experience in preparing the dust management plans that will subsequently be required.  These plans may incorporate a requirement for dust monitoring and again Air Quality Consultants Ltd has the necessary experience; Stephen Moorcroft (Director of the Company) chaired the IAQM working group that produced Guidance on Air Quality Monitoring in the Vicinity of Demolition and Construction Sites (available here).

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