In partnership with climate and development experts ClimateCare, Air Quality Consultants has offset all carbon emissions associated with business travel (flights, rail, private car use and taxis) and the Bristol and London offices (energy and water use).
A total of 68.8 tonnes of carbon has been offset through the Climate+Care Portfolio. This includes four main projects which are focussed on reducing carbon emissions and improving the lives of people in some of the world’s poorest communities:
Lifestraw Water Filters – this provides simple gravity-fed water filters for families in Kenya. It not only provides safe drinking water to 4 million people, but also cuts carbon emissions by removing the need to boil water.
Gyapa Stoves – this project is creating a market for locally-produced efficient cookstoves in Ghana, cutting carbon emissions due to lower fuel use and reducing human exposure to pollution.
India Wind – provides rural communities with clean energy via wind farms, reducing the need to burn fossil fuels to generate electricity.
Burn Stoves – this project provides cleaner cookstoves to people in Kenya. These stoves reduce carbon emissions by burning less fuel and also reduce public exposure to toxic pollutants.

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