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Dr Imogen Heard

BSc (Hons) MSc PhD MInstPhys

Imogen is an Associate with AQC and joined the company in 2013

Imogen has been involved in numerous development projects including road schemes, energy from waste facilities, urban extensions and energy centres.  These have included the use of ADMS-5 and ADMS-Roads dispersion models to study the impacts of a variety of pollutants, including nitrogen dioxide, PM10 and PM2.5, and the preparation of air quality assessment reports and air quality chapters for Environmental Statements.  She also has experience in undertaking construction dust risk assessments and Air Quality Neutral assessments, as well as in preparing local authority reports. Prior to joining AQC she worked as a scientist in the Atmospheric Dispersion and Air Quality area at the UK Met Office for four years, modelling the dispersion of a range of pollutants over varying spatial and temporal scales. 

I have to say I found the whole experience very positive and proactive. A breath of fresh air actually!!!

CKC Properties Ltd

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