Martin Peirce is an Associate Director with AQC has more than 30 years’ experience in environmental modelling and assessment
Martin Peirce is an Associate Director with AQC and joined the company in 2021. His experience is in environmental modelling and assessment, most relating to air quality and carbon and greenhouse gases (GHGs). He has extensive experience in the calculation of emissions to air and compiling emission inventories, for both local air quality assessments and carbon footprinting.
For air quality, he also has extensive expertise in modelling the atmospheric dispersion of pollutants for comparison against regulatory limits and for assessment of health and environmental impacts. He has prepared assessments in support of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), permit applications and planning applications (under both Town and Country Planning Act (TCPA) and Development Consent Order (DCO) regimes). He has particular experience in modelling aviation and transport sources, non-road mobile machinery, construction and industrial sources.
Small report commissioned for a project in London. Report completed in good time and had the information required.
Caldwell Consulting
For over ten years, Air Quality Consultants has provided air quality support to the developers of one of Europe’s largest regeneration projects located adjacent to Wembley Stadium in London.
Air Quality Consultants collaborated with the Institute of Occupational Medicine to provide evidence to the Greater London Authority.
A residential-led mixed use development of up to 850 units in Romford.
Various projects across the campus over several years.
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