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Stephen Moorcroft


Stephen is a Director of Air Quality Consultants and has more than 40 years’ experience in environmental sciences

Stephen is a Director of Air Quality Consultants and has worked for the company since 2004. Prior to joining Air Quality Consultants he was the Managing Director of Casella Stanger, with responsibility for a business employing over 100 staff and a turnover of £12 million. He had direct responsibility for a number of major Government projects, including the management of the UK automatic monitoring network.

He has considerable project management experience associated with Environmental Assessments in relation to a variety of development projects, including power stations, incinerators, roads, airports and mixed-use developments. He has been closely involved with the Local Air Quality Management process since its inception, most recently acting as lead author in the preparation of Government guidance. He has given expert evidence to numerous public inquiries. He has served on various UK and EC committees and working groups including the Project for the Sustainable Development of Heathrow, and the Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG).

Many thanks for reaching tight deadline caused by our delayed supply of traffic data. Great team effort and excellent service.

Pell Frischmann

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